

Friday, July 31, 2015


The 10th Annual Tree Farm Relay.  Soooo much I could write about for this one.  First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to ESI GRIPS and TWIN SIX for coming up huge and sending us some great stuff to give to the race promoters.  You guys help make this event and also make us look good at the same time.  A big serious thank you from the MLMBC!

Next, well.....the MLMBC scattered themselves over three team and made a good show of the day.  Dub, Diesel and A-Train raced Advanced Co-ed with their pal-gal U-Dawg.  Block and Soze picked up a couple newly acquired America Citizens, Steve and Rachel, and raced Sport Co-Ed....and yes those were their non American names before they became US Citizens.  SuperSky and Uncle rode into town down from due north with two of their cohorts and also raced Sport Coed.  3 teams, 12 racers and 6 of them MLMBC crew members.  That's a solid turnout.

Results, Diesel's team hung on on Advanced Coed for a third place finish.  Block and Supersky's team put on a great show.  Was awesome to roll with such a large crew.

Enough talk, time for pictures!!!

BTT ANDY, Because he knows his gang signs!

A little Diesel Vascularity to start the morning

A-Train putting his LUAF to the test

UNCLE getting it done!

U-DAWG knowing what's what

Retro DUBS

POWDER DUBS in the pink skirt

BLOCK doin' what BLOCK does

The Teams brought all the METAL kits to the big dance!

SOZE slaying tires



The MLMBC's ELECTRIC MAYHEM with their third place finish


Where's the DIESEL pix you ask?  Well, saved the best for last.  
The Golden Hammer has come back  home!

For more pix of the day, here are two great websites:

Michael Faulk..aka Drunk Mike

Bob Bruce

Thanks again to our sponsors, TEAM TREE FARM, the Motor City Mountain Bike Assoc, The HoDaddy's, Hella Bellas, Cycletherapy, and many other countless individuals like Mike Faulk and Nick Razo who made this event happen again!!!!

Can't wait til next year

Friday, July 17, 2015


People often ask me, "Hey Chief President Managing Editor and all around good looking guy, what happens when Soze and Block go out to race and the 4 Stooges don't show?"  To that I reply, "That's a great question which I have no knowledge of because I am one of the Stooges not there....morons."

However, I have often wondered about their relationship and have viewed them in my mind like Azn and Farmtruck from Street Outlaws.  The young Soze as Azn, the energetic young guy with antics and Block as Farmtruck, the older fella who does all the driving but is the overly cautious one.  On the show street Outlaws, these two can often be found out and about in the long bed '70 Chevy Longbed trying to stay out of trouble while making trouble when Big Chief and the race crew are out talking smack and racing for bragging rights.

So, let's dive into the secret world of Block and Soze and what they do while Big Chief and the guys are away:  Lucky for us, we have some answers.  Block and Soze took it upon themselves to capture the events of their last race together with a great write up and some good pictures.

First let's start with the write up they sent me.  I had to ask for it a few times but they did manage to come up with a great review.  Go to this site, turn up your volume and click play.


Next, let's see some pix from the day.

Above we see Block pulling up to park before the race.  It's obvious Soze drove the team van.

Here we see Block and Soze all shinny and clean standing with their bike.

Soze warming up his legs or his getting ready to use his laser eye beams?

Post race selfie....Block unaware that Soze is about to use his laser eye beams again.


Okay, Soze actually told me via text how his race went.  He went of fast with the leaders and was able to hang for half the lap but then faded from lack of fitness.  But he said he got his first taste of what it takes to hang with the big dogs in his class.  He also said he's not sure if he has ever ridden the first half of that course so fast before.  Happy with the day but of course would have liked to finish a little higher in the standings....don't we all.

As for Block, no idea what he was doing all day besides standing next to his bike and smiling at the cameras.  

See, more smiling.  You thought I was kidding.

Block did manage 6th in his class.  One place out of medal contention.  Finishing a couple seconds behind the guy in front of him in this picture.  Maybe less smiling, more racing next time huh?  

So there you have it.  The recap of Azn and Farmtruck, er uh, Soze and Block's day out at Island Lake for the Second Annual Island Lake Induction Tailwind Race.  

This weekend Youngblood will be tackling the 8 Hours of Ithica and then on July 25th, the crew heads out to the 10th Annual Tree Farm Relay.  Be afraid, be very afraid.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


It's July and we haven't had a single race recap posted on here yet.  Shame, shame, shame......but, just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean the team hasn't been racing.  Well the team has, but I haven't.  But hey, I'm just the editor...and a bad one at that.  Get what you pay for.

Let's see, for the 2015 season I believe the team has competed in four different 100 mile races.  I wasn't at any of them so I can't tell you what they were like, however, Dub9 could.  He actually resurrected his only Angry Bees Blog and recapped a couple of the races himself.  So, lets do this race by race shall we?  Just a couple quick comments, some pix and a slap on the back side for an "thatta boy!"

I believe the first race of the season for the team was NUE's Cuhutta 100 some where near the Tennessee/Kentucky border.  Dub9 and Block made the drive down introduce the NUE to the MLMBC and see what this NUE series was all about.  100 miles on a course neither one of them had ridden before?  How hard could it be?  I'll let Angry Jonny tell ya:


Next up, Youngblood and his 100 miles of Hanson Hills in upper lower Michigan.  He was supposed to write me a short recap of his day...but never did.  So all I really required to say is he went there, won the 30-39 age group solo, got his medal, a slap on the ass and then left.  However, that scruffy little face is so adorable I just want to squeeze his cheeks and tell him "Whut a good widdle job you did Youngbloodly-Poo."  That sounds gross though so I'll keep that to myself.

We move next to the race no one wants to go back to....ever.  The Mohican 100 located some where in that sad state of Ohio.  The teams second try at an NUE race. Dub9 did the 100 mile race on his SS (with his new Lauf fork) while Diesel and Block did the Metric 100 which was 60 some odd miles that I am not educated enough to properly math out without googling it.  How'd the guys do?  Well, let's let Dub's recap the day's events for us:


He's so nice isn't he?  Let's see, what was after that.....ah yes, the Lumberjack 100.  The only NUE race held in Michigan.  I'd love to tell you all about this course but I have never raced it and constantly get made fun of for not doing it.  Dub9, Diesel, Youngblood and Block went north to compete in this and everyone finished in the allowed time.  Youngblood, Dub9 and Diesel all finished within a half an hour of each other while Block made sure so one got left behind who started the race.  Look for a recap to be written soon by Dub9 once he gets to the point where he forgot half the days events.  In the mean time, here is a cool aerial of the start:


Coming up this weekend, Block and Soze will be racing in the USAC Tailwinds ILRA XC....that's a lot of capital letters.  The weekend after that Youngblood and A-Train will be heading over to Ithica to tackle an 8 Hour solo event.  THEN the end of the month marks the 10th Anniversary of the Tree Farm Relay!  The whole te1m, with the exception of Youngblood, will be out in attendance for that once.

And since I am back to racing again the recaps should come more often.  As we pass the half way mark of 2015, I just want to take a moment to say thank you again to our family supporters, fans, trail fairies, race promoters, psychiatrists, our parole officers, therapist, and all the cops who don't pull us over for doing 5mph over the speed limit or in some cases 6mph and of course our sponsors....Twin Six, ESI Grips, Carborocket and Loaded Precision!  You have all helped make this season successful so far.